ICE | The Israel Chemist and Chemical Engineer | Issue 8

22 The Israel Chemist and Chemical Engineer Issue 8 · November 2021 · Kislev 5782 Profile Interview with Abraham (Avi) Domb – Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology Arlene D. Wilson-Gordon Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002 Email: [email protected] Q: Where were you born and where did your parents come from? A: I was born in Ganei Zvi, now part of Hod Hasharon. Both of my parents came from Poland. Q: What inspired you to study chemistry? A: I went to high school in Kfar Haroe Yeshiva, where I had a great chemistry teacher, the late Prof. Moshe Adad. He instilled in me a love for chemistry. By the way, Prof. Adad was later a Prof. of Criminology at Bar-Ilan Univ. Later, when approaching university studies, my twin brother Menahem and I decided to go in different directions. He studied mathematics and computer science. I chose chemistry. Q: Why did you choose your particular field of chemistry? A: When looking for a field in chemistry to focus on, I was fascinated by the diversity of polymer chemistry and applications. I started MSc studies at the Casali Institute at the Hebrew University on Polymers and Textiles, a joint program with the Fiber Institute in Jerusalem. After one year, I was introduced to Prof. Yair Avni and Prof. Zilcha from the chemistry department and decided to move to Yair’s lab to proceed to a direct PhD on “Functional Polymers”. Within ArleneWilson-Gordon was born in Glasgow, Scotland. She completed her BSc (Hons) at Glasgow University and her DPhil at Oxford University under the supervision of Peter Atkins. After a postdoc at the Hebrew University withRaphy Levine, she joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, where she rose to the rank of Professor and in 2015, Professor Emerita. Her research interests lie in the field of theoretical quantum and nonlinear optics. She is the editor of the Israel Chemist and Engineer, an online magazine for all who are interested in chemistry and chemical engineering.