10 | December 2021 www.facs.website public outreach events, where the General Assembly, Presidential lecture, and the Award Presentation Ceremony are also held. In contrast, the Chemistry Festa focuses on academia-industry exchange and collaboration, where a majority of the organizing committee members accordingly come from the industry. Coupled with carefully selected special topic symposia, exhibitions, and human networking events, the Festa provides excellent opportunities for industry-academia collaboration and for student job-hunting and recruiting. Along with the two annual nationwide meetings, the headquarter Departments and the Regional Sections organize a variety of symposia and workshops throughout a year. Publications. CSJ actively and internationally publishes two journals, two societal organs, and books (Figure 4). The two peer-reviewed journals are monthly published online in English. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (BCSJ), launched in 1926, publishes original articles, reviews, and accounts, in total ca. 200 papers per annum, with an impact factor 5.448 as of 2020, which steadily rising. Chemistry Letters (CL or ChemLett), launched in 1972, is for rapid current-awareness communications and short reviews, monthly with ca. 400 papers a year, with impact factor 1.389 as of 2020. The two organs, both primarily in Japanese and partially electronic, are windows to its members. Kagaku to Kogyo (Chemistry and Industry) is the CSJ’s primary monthly organ delivered online and by mail, and free of charge to all themembers. It features hot-topics accounts, Regional Section and CSJ Division reports, meeting announcements, messages to the members, and help-wanted advertisements. Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), as its title implies, is primarily directed to school teachers and those who interested in chemistry education. It focuses on fundamental topics in chemistry (such as the IUPAC-authorized periodic table and atomic weights, SI units, etc.), new experiment programs developed by the members, and reviews. In addition, The Chemical Record and Chemistry: An Asian Journal are joint publications with Wiley-VCH, covering more or less personal research accounts. With several overseas chemistry-related societies, the CSJ has recently joined publishing a so-called preprint journal, ChemRxiv™, to follow a current trend of non-peer-reviewed online publication for the rapid exchange of ever proliferating research information. The CSJ also publishes books, such as Kagaku Binran (Chemistry Handbook), an authoritative compilation of chemistry data), and CSJ Current Reviews, a series of monographs covering hot topics, now in about 50 volumes. Awards and Research Grants. For recognition of members’ achievements and societal service, The Chemical Society annually presents ten awards, including the Award of the Chemical Society of Japan (the highest honor of research achievement), the Award for Creative Work, the Award for Young Chemists, the Award for Technical Development, the Award for Outstanding Young Women Chemists, and the Award for Chemical Education. Based on the private endowment by the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry laureate, the Akira Yoshino Research Program provides a Figure 4. CSJ publications: Journals, organs, and books: (first row from left) Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Chemistry Letters, Kagaku to Kogyo, Kagaku to Kyoiku; (second row from left) The Chemical Record, Chemistry: an Asian Journal, Kagaku Binran, CSJ Current Review.