www.asiachem.news December 2021 | 113 though the early Meiji Tokyo Daigaku (mentioned here) and today’s Tokyo Daigaku are different institutions: the former is just one of the antecedent schools of the latter, the successor institution of Tokyo Imperial University. For this reason, the early Meiji Tokyo Daigaku is translated as “Tokyo University” in this article to distinguish it from the current University of Tokyo. 18. The official English name of this institution was “The Imperial University” until 1897, when “of Tokyo” was added to it to distinguish it fromKyoto Imperial University established in this year. Throughout this article, we adopt “Tokyo Imperial University” for the sake of consistency. 19. Yatsumimi, T. (2011). Nihon Gakushi-in zō Kawamoto Kōmin kankei shiryō [The Kawamoto Kōmin Collections in the Japan Academy]. Kagaku to kōgyo [Chemistry & Chemical Industry], 64, 611-613. 20. Ozawa, T. (2020). Meiji shoki no oyatoi Doitsu jin kagaku kyōshi tachi [German Chemistry Teachers in early Meiji Japan]. Kagaku to kyōiku [Chemistry&Education], 68, 466-469. 21. Kikuchi, Y. (2020). Meiji shoki no igirisu jin kagaku kyōshi tachi [British Chemistry Teachers in early Meiji Japan]. Kagaku to kyōiku, 68, 470-473. 22. He was the older brother of a 1929 Nobel Laureate in physiology or medicine, Christiaan Eijkman (1858-1930). 23. Tsukahara, Tokumichi (1978). Meiji kagaku no kaitakusha [Pioneer chemists in Meiji Japan] (Tokyo: Sanseidō), 10-20. 24. Hokkaido Imperial University has its origin as the Sapporo Agricultural School (est. 1876), where Canadian botanist and agriculturist David Pearce Penhallow (1854-1910) taught chemistry. 25. Yongue, J. (2021). Kagaku ga unda shin sangyō; Nagai Nagayoshi no katsudō to Keizai kōken [New industries from Chemistry: Nagai Nagayoshi’s activities and contributions to economy]. Kagaku to kyōiku, 69, 42-45. 26. Arai, K. (2021). Sekai o mezashita kagaku kigyōka Takamine Jōkichi [Takamine Jōkichi who aspired to be a global chemical entrepreneur]. Kagaku to kyōiku, 69, 46-49. 27. Kikuchi, Y. (2008). Analysis, Fieldwork and Engineering: Accumulated Practices and the Formation of applied Chemistry Teaching at Tokyo University, 1874-1900. Historia Scientiarum, 18, 100-120. 28. On the impact of Roscoe’s books on Japan, see: Siderer, Y. (2021). Translation of Roscoe’s Chemistry Books into Japanese and Hebrew: Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects. Substantia, 5, 39-52. 29. Dehn, U. (1995). TANAKA Shôzô: ein Vorkämpfer für Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz (Tokyo: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasisens [OAG Tokyo]). 30. Wakabayashi, F. (2021). Suzuki Umetarō: Nōgaku to kagaku no yūgō [Suzuki Umetaro: fusing agriculture and chemistry], Kagaku to kyōiku, 69, 54-57. 31. Kikuchi, Y. (2013). Anglo-Japanese Connections in Japanese Chemistry: The Lab as Contact Zone (New York: Palgrave Macmillan). 32. Kikuchi, Y. (2009). Samurai Chemists, Charles Graham and Alexander WilliamWilliamson at University College London, 1863-1872. Ambix, 56, 115-137; on 121. 33. OnWillamson’ s ether synthesis and its historical significance: Rocke, A. J. (2010). Image & Reality: Kekulé, Kopp, and the Scientific Imagination (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press), chapter 1 “Ether/Or” (pp. 1-37). 34. Kikuchi, Y. (2013) (note. 31), 142-145. 35. Kikuchi, Y. (2011). WorldWar I, International Participation and Reorganisation of the Japanese Chemical Community. Ambix, 58, 136-49; on 146. 36. Yamanaka, C (2021). Joji Sakurai’s Thoughts and Activities on the Promotion of Science in the Modern Era in Japan (in Japanese). Kagakusi kenkyū, ser. 2, 51, 138-147. 37. Shibata Yūji 柴田雄次 (1882-1980) was another graduate from Tokyo’s Department of Chemistry who played an important role in chemistry in Japan. Trained first as an organic chemist and then converted to inorganic chemistry, Shibata was appointed assistant professor in 1913 and promoted to full professorship in 1919 at his alma mater, and undertook research projects and trained chemists in coordination chemistry and a variety of other fields: biochemistry; geochemistry; and conservation science. See: Tanaka, M. (1975). Nihon no kagaku to Shibata Yūji [Japanese Chemistry and Shibata Yūji] (Tokyo: Dai Nihon Tosho). 38. Saitō, S. (1978). Ikeda Kikunae to hannō sokudo ron [Ikeda Kikunae and chemical kinetics]. Kagakusi kenkyū, ser. 2, 17, 165-173. 39. Kikuchi, Y. (2018a). Ikeda Kikunae and Reactions to Energetics in Japan. Historia Scientiarum, 28, 54-68. “Energetics” is the scientific and intellectual movement in the late nineteenth century that attempted at explaining natural as well as social and cultural phenomena only with reference to the concept of energy, of which Ostwald as the main advocate. See: Deltete, R. J. (2007). Wilhelm Ostwald’s Energetics 1: Origins and Motivations. Foundations of Chemistry, 9, 3-56. The antonym of “energetics” is “atomistics” advocated by Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906). 40. Hirota, K. (1994). Kagakusha Ikeda Kikunae: Sōseki, Umami, Doitsu [The Chemist Ikeda Kikunae: Natsume Sōseki, Umami, Germany] (Tokyo: Tokyo Kagaku Dōjin). 41. Tachibana, T. (1979). Sameshima Jitsusaburō no gyōseki mokuroku to sono kaisetsu [List of publications by Sameshima Jitsusaburō with commentaries]. Kagakushi, (9), 23-36; (10), 39-47. 42. Pope, M. (1994). Professor Hiroo Inokuchi: A pioneer and major contributor to the field of electronic processes in organic materials. Synthetic Metals, 64, 109-113. We owe this information to Ms. Mari Yamaguchi. 43. Tamamushi, B. (1978). Kaimen Kagaku eno Michi: Katayama Masao Kyōju Seitan 100- shūnen ni chinande [The Way to Surface Chemistry: In Memory of Centennial birth of Prof. Masao Katayama]. Kagakushi, (8), 1-6. 44. Kikuchi, Y. (2008). Mizushima, San-ichirō. In NDSB (note 3), vol. 5, pp. 207-211. See also: Kikuchi, Y. (2016). San-ichiro Mizushima and the Realignment of the International Relations of Japanese Chemistry. In Kaji, M, Furukawa, Y., Tanaka, H, and Kikuchi, Y. (eds.). The International Workshop on the History of Chemistry 2015 Tokyo (IWHC 2015 Tokyo) “Transformation of Chemistry from the 1920s to the 1960s): Proceedings (Tokyo: Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry), 50-55; and Kikuchi, Y. (2018b). International Relations of the Japanese Chemical Community. In Rasmussen, S. C. (ed.). Igniting the Chemical Ring of Fire: Historical Evolution of the Chemical Communities of the Pacific Rim (Singapore: World Scientific), 139-155. 45. Furukawa, Y. (2017). Kagakusha tachi no Kyoto gakuha: Kita Gen-itsu to Nihon no kagaku [The Kyoto School for Chemists: Kita Gen-itsu and Japanese Chemisttry] (Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai), p. 186. 46. Hirota, N. (2016). Robert Mulliken and His Influence on Japanese Physical Chemistry. In Kaji, M, Furukawa, Y., Tanaka, H, and Kikuchi, Y. (eds.) (note 44), 192-199. Nagakura served the IUPAC as the first ever Japanese president in 1981-83. See: Kikuchi, Y. (2019). Pioneers of Japanese Participation in the IUPAC. Chemistry International, 41, 16-19. 47. Yoshihara, K. (1997a). Glory and Collapse of the Work on Nipponium by Masataka OGAWA (in Japanese). Kagakushi, 24, 295-305. English article: Yoshihara, H. K. (1997b). Nipponium, the Element Ascribable to Rhenium from the Modern Chemical Viewpoint. Radiochimica Acta, 77, 9-13. Outcomes of Yoshihara’s subsequent investigations are summarized in: Yoshihara, K. (2019). Sai hakken: Nipponiumu no shinjitsu [Truth about Nipponium rediscovered]. In Kagakushi Gakkai (ed.), Kagakushi eno shōtai (note 16), 26-34. Oppositions to Yoshihara’s reassessments are also expressed. See, for example: Nicholson, J. (2021). Who Discovered Rhenium? RSC Historical Group Newsletter, (79), 38-43. 48. Kaji, M. (2011). Majima Rikō to Nihon no yūki kagaku kenkyū dentō no keisei [Majima Rikō and the formation of research traditions in organic chemistry in Japan]. In Kanamori, O. (ed.), Shōwa zenki no kagaku shisōshi [History of Scientific thoughts in early Showa Japan] (Tokyo: Keisō Shobō), 185-241. 49. Majima, R. (1954). Waga shōgai no kaiko (II) [Reminiscences of my life, part II]. Kagaku no ryōiki, 8, 137-146, on 137-138. 50. Kaji, M. (2016). The Transformation of Organic Chemistry in Japan: FromMajima Riko to the Third International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products. In Kaji, Furukawa, Tanaka, and Kikuchi (eds.) (2016) (note 44), 14-19, on 15-16. 51. Kaji, M. (2018). Development of the Natural Products Chemistry by Tetsuo Nozoe in Taiwan. In Rasmussen (ed.) (note 44), pp. 357-368. 52. Kuroda, K. (2017). Kuroda Chika (1884-1968) (in Japanese). In Kagakushi jiten (note 4), 216-217. “Tokyo” was added to the name of Kuroda’s alma mater in 1908 when the second women’s higher normal school was established in Nara. “Jokōshi” kept widely used for the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal School. 53. Maeda, K. (2000). Chika Kuroda: Research on the Constitution of Natural coloring Matters and Her Life as a Pioneering Woman Chemist. In Kuroda Chika shiryō mokuroku [Catalogue of the Kuroda Chika Papers] (Tokyo: Ochanomizu University Gender Research Center), 8-10. Online version: http://www.igs.ocha.ac.jp/igs/ IGS_publication/pdf/kuroda_archive_en.pdf (last accessed 23 June 2021). 54. Historical studies on women in science are numerous. See, for example: Schiebinger, L. (ed.) (2014). Women and Gender in Science and Technology, 4 vols. (London: Routledge). 55. Otsubo, S. (2008). Women Scientists and Gender Ideology. In Robertson, J. (ed.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan (Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing), 467-482. 56. Kodate, N, and Kodate, K. (2016). Japanese Women in Science and Engineering: History and Policy Change (London and New York: Routledge). We owe this information to Prof. Yasu Furukawa. 57. Ogawa, M. (2017). History of Women’s Participation in STEM Fields in Japan. AsianWomen, 33, 65-85. We owe this information to Prof. Yasu Furukawa. 58. Kagakushi Gakkai, ed. (2019). Kagakushi eno shōtai (note. 16), Chapter 5 (pp. 165-189). 59. Vande Walle, W. F., and Kasaya, K. (eds.) (2001). Dodonaeus in Japan: Translation and the Scientific Mind in the Tokugawa Period (Leuven: Leuven University Press). See especially the introduction written by Vande Walle on pp. 9-29. 60. Kuroda, C., and Majima, R. (1922). On the Colouring Matter of Lithospermum Erythrorhizon. Acta Phytochimica, 1, 43-65. 61. Kuroda, C. (1918). Shikon no shikiso ni tsukite [On the Pigment of Purple Root]. Tokyo kagaku kaishi, 39, 1051-1115. 62. Kuroda, C., and Perkin, Jr., W. H. (1923). Derivatives of Phthalonic Acid, 4:5-Dimethoxy-phthalonic Acid, and 4:5-Dimethoxy-o-tolylglyoxylic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. Transactions, 123, 2094-2111. 63. Robinson, R. (1955). The Structural Relations of Natural Products, Being the First Weizmann Memorial Lectures, December 1953 (Oxford: The Clarendon Press), p. 42 and Ref. no. 87 on p. 39 and p. 130: Kuroda C. Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 1929 5,32,82,86. 64. Kuroda, C. (1953). Kagaku no michi ni ikite [The Road of Chemistry in which I lived], Fujin no tomo, 51 (3), 28-33; 51 (4), 44-51. Reproduced in: Kuroda Chika shiryō mokuroku (note. 53), 77-64. Online version: https://teapot.lib.ocha. ac.jp/record/4093/files/catalogKurodaChika63-80.pdf (last accessed 23 June 2021). 65. The adjective “imperial” in Japanese imperial universities was removed in 1947 as part of the postwar educational reform. 66. Furukawa, Y. (2017). Kagakusha tachi no Kyoto gakuha: Kita Gen-itsu to Nihon no kagaku (note 45). For an English article on this topic by the same author, see: Furukawa, Y. (2018). Gen-itsu Kita and the Kyoto School’s Formation. In Rasmussen (ed.) (note 44), 157-168. The Kyoto school is also mentioned in: Furukawa, Y. (2021) (note 3), p. 5. Discussions not from Furukawa’s works are notified by endnotes. 67. Furukawa, Y. (2017), pp. 13-24. 68. Furukawa, Y. (2017), pp. 25-30. 69. On Noyes: Servos, J. W. (1990). Physical Chemistry from Ostwald to Pauling: The Making of a Science in America (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), Chapter 3. 70. “Colleges (bunka daigaku)” as the constituent entities of imperial universities was renamed “Faculty (gakubu)” in 1919. 71. Suito, E. (1983). Academic Achievement and Career of Dr. Shinkichi Horiba (in Japanese). Kagakushi, (22), 19-32. Horiba was the father of entrepreneur Horiba Masao 堀場雅 夫 (1924-2015), founder of the analytical instrument company HORIBA. 72. Kim, D (2005). Two Chemists in Two Koreas. Ambix, 52, 67-84, on 68-71. 73. On the LEP method, see: Laidler, K. J. (1987). Chemical Kinetics, Third Edition (New York: Harper Collins), 68-70; and Nye, M. J. (2007). Working Tools for Theoretical Chemistry: Polanyi, Eyring, and Debates Over the “Semiempirical Method.” Journal of Computational Chemistry, 28, 98-108. In formulating the LEP method, Henry Eyring (1901-81) and Polanyi used the calculations of the Coulombic and exchange integrals in the London equation by Japanese physicist Sugiura Yoshikatsu 杉浦義勝 (1895-1960). Sugiura is now recognized as a Japanese pioneer in quantum physics and chemistry. See: Nakane, M. (2019). Yoshikatsu Sugiura’s Contribution to the Development of Quantum Physics in Japan. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 42, 338-356. 74. Sato, S. (1955a). On a NewMethod of Drawing the Potential Energy Surface. Journal of Chemical Physics, 23, 592-3. Sato, S. (1955b). On a NewMethod of Drawing Potential Energy Surface. Ibid., 2465-6. Laidler, K. J. (1996). A Glossary of Terms used in Chemical Kinetics, including Reaction Dynamics (IUPAC Recommendations 1996). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 68, 149-192, on 171. See also a recent appraisal of Satō’s work in terms of its impact on computational chemist Martin Karplus (b. 1930), a 2013 Nobel laureate in chemistry: Macuglia, D., Roux, B., and Ciccotti, G. (2021). The breakthrough of a quantum chemist by classical dynamics: Martin Karplus and the birth of computer simulations of chemical reactions. The European Physical Journal H, 46, article 12, p. 6. 75. On the history of polymer chemistry, see: Furukawa, Y. (1998). Inventing Polymer Science: Staudinger, Carothers, and the Emergence of Macromolecular Chemistry (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press). 76. Furukawa, Y. (2017), Chapter 3 (pp. 93-164). See also Kim (2005) (note 72), 72-73. 77. Furukawa, Y. (2017), p. 39. 78. Furukawa, Y. (2017), Chapter 2 (pp. 57-92) and pp. 192-202. 79. Furukawa, Y. (2017), Chapter 4 (pp. 165-251), 80. Furukawa, Y. (2017), p. 205. 81. Kaji, Furukawa, Tanaka, and Kikuchi, (eds.) (2016). The International Workshop on the History of Chemistry 2015 Tokyo (IWHC 2015 Tokyo) “Transformation of Chemistry from the 1920s to the 1960s)” (note 44). 82. http://pac.iupac.org/publications/pac/conferences/ Tokyo_1962-09-10r/ (last accessed 6 September 2021). 83. Kaji, M. (2016) (note 50), pp. 17-18. 84. Seeman, J. I. (2015). Taking IUPAC Literally: An International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Chemistry International, 37, 4-9. 85. Nozoe, T. (1991). Seventy Years in Organic Chemistry (Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society), 103. This page is a reproduction from the Nozoe Autograph Books, published in The Chemical Records in 15 segments: https://application.wiley-vch.de/util/nozoe/online.php (last accessed 7 September 2021). We owe this information to Ms. Mari Yamaguchi. 86. Bartholomew, J. R (2010). How to Join the Scientific Mainstream: East Asian Scientists and Nobel Prizes. East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, 31, 25-43.