54 | Landscape & Turf Product Catalog NETAFIM USA POINT SOURCE DESIGN IRRIGATING TREES, SHRUBS AND NATIVE PLANTS For trees, shrubs and native plants with wide and/or random spacing requirements, point source drip irrigation is the perfect alternative. In landscape areas that are sparsely planted, irrigating within the plant’s canopy conserves water and inhibits weed growth in the areas with no plants. Depending on the plant’s canopy size and soil type, the number of point source emitters can be easily determined. IRRIGATING CONTAINERS The correct watering of containers can be difficult when using a hose, sprinklers or sprays. Either not enough or too much water is applied; or the frequency of watering is inefficient to promote a healthy environment for the plant to thrive. By using a point source drip irrigation system, the emitter can easily be installed in each container and operated for the correct time and frequency to insure the correct amount of water is applied for healthy plant growth. SIMPLIFIED DRIP DESIGN GRAPH 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 CANOPY SIZE (FEET) NUMBER OF 1 GPH EMITTERS Evergreens, Fruit Trees, and Small Shrubs (less than 4’ canopy) Ornamental Trees, Large Shrubs (larger than 4’ canopy) Native Plants EMITTER FLOW RATE CLAY SOIL WETTED DIAMETER PER EMITTER (FT.) LOAM SOIL 0.5 GPH 5 - 7 3 - 5 2 - 3 20 - 38 7 - 20 3 - 7 1.0 GPH 7 - 8 5 - 6 3 - 3.5 38 - 50 20 - 28 7 - 10 2.0 GPH 8 - 9 6 - 7 3.5 - 4 50 - 64 28 - 38 10 - 13 SANDY SOIL CLAY SOIL WETTED AREA PER EMITTER (SQ. FT.) LOAM SOIL SANDY SOIL APPROXIMATE WETTED DIAMETER and WETTED AREA PER EMITTER (PER SOIL TYPE) Emitter flow rates have an impact on the soil’s ability to absorb water. The lighter the shaded box indicates the more desirable flow rate given the soil selection. CLIMATE VERY COOL 1.3 COOL 2.6 MODERATE 3.5 HOT 4.2 HIGH DESERT 5.1 LOW DESERT 5.9 IRRIGATION DURATION RUN TIME (HOURS) CLIMATE CONTAINER IRRIGATION (FREQUENCY) SANDY SOIL LOAM SOIL CLAY SOIL POTTING SOIL VERY COOL 2 DAYS 3 DAYS 8 DAYS 2 DAYS COOL 1 ½ DAYS 2 DAYS 6 DAYS DAILY MODERATE 1 ½ DAYS 2 DAYS 6 DAYS DAILY HOT DAILY 2 DAYS 5 DAYS DAILY HIGH DESERT DAILY 1 ½ DAYS 4 DAYS DAILY LOW DESERT DAILY DAILY 3 DAYS DAILY CONTAINER SIZE (GALLONS) EMITTER FLOW (GPH) SANDY SOIL (IN MIN.) LOAM SOIL (IN MIN.) CONTAINER IRRIGATION (EMITTER FLOW RATE and RUN TIME) CLAY SOIL (IN MIN.) POTTING SOIL (IN MIN.) 1 0.5 3 5 11 2 2 0.5 6 10 20 4 5 1.0 9 15 30 6 15 1.0 25 40 90 18 25 1.0 40 75 150 35 Micro-Tubing Micro-Tubing Fitting Techflow Emitter 1/4” Tubing Stake Polyethylene Tubing DIAMETER (inches) HEIGHT (inches) Plant Canopy (square feet) x 0.75 Wetted Area per Emitter (square feet) Number of Emitters per Plant = For example: • Tree with 16’ canopy in a loam soil. • Plant root zone = (16’)2 x 0.7854 = 256 x 0.7854 = 201 square feet. • Number of 1.0 GPH emitters required = 201 x .75/24 = 150.8/24 = 6.28 = 6 - 1.0 GPH emitters. Surface Area = Diameter (m.) x .7854 Surface Area (sq. in.) x Height (inches) 231 Container Size (gallons) =