| 56 | 2024 Annual Report Gedanken, Xiukun Lin, Chunxiang Zhang, Gan Qiao. “Micelle Encapsulation Zinc‐ Doped Copper Oxide Nanocomposites Reverse Olaparib Resistance in Ovarian Cancer by Disrupting Homologous Recombination Repair.” Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, 2023. • Belal Abu Salha, Arumugam Saravanan, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken. “Plant-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots as an Effective Fertilizer for Enhanced Strawberry Growth and Yield.” ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023. • Sengodan Prabhu, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Arulappan Durairaj, John HT Luong, Aharon Gedanken. “Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of CuO Capsules@ CDs Composites for SolidState Hybrid Supercapacitor.” Energy & Fuels, 2023. • Akanksha Gupta, Toshali Bhoyar, B Moses Abraham, Dong Jin Kim, Kedhareswara Sairam Pasupuleti, Suresh S Umare, Devthade Vidyasagar, Aharon Gedanken. “Potassium Molten Salt-Mediated In Situ Structural Reconstruction of a Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023. • Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Aharon Gedanken, Ze'ev Porat. “Sonochemistry of Molten Gallium.” Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2023. • R Blessy Pricilla, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Arulappan Durairaj, Ivo Kuritka, John HT Luong, Aharon Gedanken. “BiomassDerived Carbon Dots and Their Coated Surface as a Potential Antimicrobial Agent.” Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2023. • Sengodan Prabhu, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Arulappan Durairaj, Srinivasan Arun Kumar, John HT Luong, Rajendran Ramesh, Aharon Gedanken. “Performances of Co2+-Substituted NiMoO4 Nanorods in a Solid-State Hybrid Supercapacitor.” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023. • Aharon Gedanken, Ilana Perelshtein, Nina Perkas. ”Power Ultrasound for the Production of Nanomaterials.” Power Ultrasonics, 2023. • Poushali Das, Akanksha Gupta, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Arumugam Saravanan, Seshasai Srinivasan, Amin Reza Rajabzadeh, Aharon Gedanken. “Polymer Composites for Biosensors.” Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials for Sensor Applications, 2023. • Maciej Szwast, Daniel Polak, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, Andrzej Ryszard Krasi ski, Michał Stor, Wojciech Piątkiewicz, Wojciech Fabianowski. “Research on Structural and Process Properties of Polysulfone Membranes Modified by CuO.” Desalination and Water Treatment, 2023. • Hari Krishna Sadhanala, Akanksha Gupta, Aharon Gedanken. “A Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Seawater Splitting using Ruthenium Doped Nickel Molybdenum Phosphide Nanosheets.” Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2023. Prof. Gerber Doron The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences The Use of Microfluidic Technology in Biological Research Research Areas • Virus host interactions • System biology • Microfluidics Abstract Doron Gerber’s lab specializes in microfluidics. We have developed various microfluidic devices and models to investigate diverse biological research fields. The projects running in our lab since 2021 include: • Microfluidics screen for Nanobodies - in cooperation with the University Medicine Göttingen – Germany and the NanoTag Biotechnologies GmbH. • Personalized therapy of various cancer treatments towards minimal residual disease evaluation. • Proteomics research. • Microfluidics bridges between FACS and Mass spectrometry. • Proteomics research of the C. Elegans model through Its entire life cycle. The ‘lab on chip’ laboratory, under the leadership of Prof. Doron Gerber, uses the microfluidic platform to promote science in diverse fields and to provide solutions to some of the most important issues in many medical and scientific fields. Publications 2023 and 2024 • Gal Shpun, Nairouz Farah, Yoav Chemla, Amos Markus, Tamar Azrad Leibovitch, Erel Lasnoy, Doron Gerber, Zeev Zalevsky, Yossi Mandel. “Optimizing the Fabrication of a 3D High-Resolution Implant for Neural Stimulation.” Journal of Biological Engineering, 2023. • Bernard Moerdler, Matan Krasner, Elazar Orenbuch, Avi Grad, Benjamin Friedman, Eliezer Graber, Efrat Barbiro-Michaely, Doron Gerber. “PTOLEMI: Personalized Cancer Treatment through Machine Learning-Enabled Image Analysis of Microfluidic Assays.” Diagnostics, 2023. • Donald Penning, Simona Cazacu, Raphael Nizar, Cunli Xiang, Hodaya Goldstein, Matan Krasner, Efrat Barbiro-Michaely, Doron Gerber, Gila Kazimirsky, Lisa Rogers, Stephan Brown, Chaya Brodie. “SYST-24 Propofol Exerts Anti-Tumor Effects in Glioma and the Tumor Microenvironment via Non-Coding RNAs and Secreted Exosomes.” NeuroOncology Advances, 2023. • Rephael Nizar, Simona Cazacu, Cunli Xiang, Matan Krasner, Efrat BarbiroMichaely, Doron Gerber, Jonathan Schwartz, Iris Fried, Shira Yuval, Aharon Brodie, Gila Kazimirsky, Naama Amos, Ron Unger, Stephen Brown, Lisa Rogers, Donald H Penning, Chaya Brodie. “Propofol Inhibits Glioma Stem Cell Growth and Migration and Their Interaction with Microglia via BDNF-AS and Extracellular Vesicles.” Cells, 2023.