| 85 | • Abderrahim Moumena, Rajashree Konar, Dario Zappa, Eti Teblum, Gilbert D Nessim, Elisabetta Comini. “EnergyEfficient NO2 Sensors based on TwoDimensional Layered 2H-WS2 Nanosheet.” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2024. • Leonardo Ricotti, Andrea Cafarelli, Cristina Manferdini, Diego Trucco, Lorenzo Vannozzi, Elena Gabusi, Francesco Fontana, Paolo Dolzani, Yasmin Saleh, Enrico Lenzi, Marta Columbaro, Manuela Piazzi, Jessika Bertacchini, Andrea Aliperta, Markys Cain, Mauro Gemmi, Paola Parlanti, Carsten Jost, Yirij Fedutik, Gilbert D Nessim, Madina Telkhozhayeva, Eti Teblum, Erik Dumont, Chiara Delbaldo, Giorgia Codispoti, Lucia Martini, Matilde Tschon, Milena Fini, Gina Lisignoli. “Ultrasound Stimulation of Piezoelectric Nanocomposite Hydrogels Boosts Chondrogenic Differentiation in Vitro, in Both a Normal and Inflammatory Milieu.” ACS Nano,2024. • Pola Shriber, Efrat Shawat Avraham, Bibhudatta Malik, Eti Teblum, Olga Girshevitz, Ilana Perelshtein, Michal Ejgenberg, Yossef Gofer, Yana Zubarev, Phillip Nagler, Gilbert D Nessim. "Controlling the Morphology While Retaining the Unique SnS Stoichiometry of Bulk Tin Sulfide Produced by the Rapid Method of Heating Sn Foil in Sulfur Vapor by Vapor Phase Reaction using Two Furnace Chemical Vapor Deposition System.” Chemical Papers, 2023. • Abderrahim Moumen, Rajashree Konar, Dario Zappa, Eti Teblum, Gilbert D Nessim, Elisabetta Comini. “RoomTemperature NO2 Sensing of CVDModified WS2–WSe2 Heterojunctions״. ACS Appl. Nano Mater, 2023. • Jeremy Belhassen, Simcha Glass, Eti Teblum, George A Stanciu, Denis E Tranca, Zeev Zalevsky, Stefan G Stanciu, Avi Karsenty. “Toward Augmenting Tip-Enhanced Nanoscopy with Optically Resolved Scanning Prob Tips.” Advanced Photonics Nexus, 2023. Prof. Tischler Yaakov Department of Chemistry Device Spectroscopy Laboratory Research Areas • Spectroscopy • Raman spectroscopy • Vibrational spectroscopy • Ultra-fast spectroscopy • Near-field spectroscopy • Near-field scanning probe microscopy • Microcavity devices • Strong-light matter coupling Abstract The Device Spectroscopy Laboratory is focused on spectroscopy of nanoscale materials and devices composed of such materials. Our efforts are concentrated on understanding and tailoring nanoscale light-matter interactions and leveraging this knowledge to make useful real-world spectroscopy-based nanotech devices. Super-Spectral-Resolution Raman: (A) Optical setup, (B) Intensity of Raman vs. angle. (C) Super-resolved Raman spectrum of diamond compared to regular Raman. Publications 2023 and 2024 • Yishai Amiel, Romi Nedvedski, Yaakov Mandelbaum, Yaakov R Tischler, Hadass Tischler. “Super-Spectral-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy Using Angle Tuning of a Fabry-Perot Etalon with Application to Diamond Characterization.” Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024. • Bharathi Rajeswaran, Rajashree Konar, Rena Yitzhari, Gilbert D Nessim, Yaakov R Tischler. “Enhancement of the E1 2g and A1g Raman Modes and Layer Identification of 2H‐WS2 Nanosheets with Metal Coatings.” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2023. • Sujit Kumar, Vinayaka H Damle, Tatyana Bendikov, Anat Itzhak, Michael Elbaum, Katya Rechav, Lothar Houben, Yaakov Tischler, David Cahen. “Topotactic, VaporPhase, In Situ Monitored Formation of Ultrathin, Phase-Pure 2D-on-3D Halide Perovskite Surfaces.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023. Prof. Toker Yoni Department of Physics Action Spectroscopy Research areas • Photo-physics of biochromohpres • Origin of life: Peptide bond formation in molecular clusters • Laboratory astrophysics • Development of velocity map imaging devices Abstract The action spectroscopy group uses tools from atomic and nuclear physics to study chemical molecules with biological relevance as well as study astrochemical relevant systems. We study the photophysics of isolated biochromophores to understand the basic quantum principles governing their behavior. We study bond formation within molecular clusters as an abiotic method of forming large and complex molecules relevant to the origin of life and astrochemistry. We also develop new experimental techniques; for example, we have developed a method of performing electrostatic focusing with no spherical aberations for use in velocity map imaging experiments. An illustration of peptide bond formation within an amino acid cluster (protonated serine clusters) following VUV absorption. Publications 2023 and 2024 • Michal Roth, Yoni Toker, Dan T Major.