| 92 | 2024 Annual Report multiplexing, the object is assumed to be restricted in size and does not fill the entire field of view. Using this knowledge, the high-resolution data can be shifted to unused parts of the field of view and passed through the system aperture. Publications 2023 and 2024 • Zeev Kalyuzhner, Sergey Agdarov, Yevgeny Beiderman, Aviya Bennett, Yafim Beiderman, Zeev Zalevsky. “Remote and Low-Cost Intraocular Pressure Monitoring by Deep Learning of Speckle Patterns.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2024. • Ricardo Rubio-Oliver, Vicente Micó, Zeev Zalevsky, Javier García, Jose Angel Picazo-Bueno. “Quantitative Phase Imaging by Automated Cepstrum-Based Interferometric Microscopy (CIM).” Optics & Laser Technology, 2024. • Ricardo Rubio-Oliver, Javier García, Zeev Zalevsky, José Ángel PicazoBueno, Vicente Micó. “Cepstrum-Based Interferometric Microscopy (CIM) for Quantitative Phase Imaging.” Optics & Laser Technology, 2024. • Stefan R Anton, Nadav Shabairou, Stefan G Stanciu, George A Stanciu, Zeev Zalevsky. “Enhanced Imaging with Binary Circular Dammann Fresnel Zone Plate.” Optics Express, 2024. • Nadav Shabairou, Zeev Zalevsky, Moshe Sinvani. “Laser Beam Self-Focusing in Silicon at an Absorbed Wavelength by a Vortex Beam in the Same Wavelength.” ACS Omega, 2024. • Inês Pires, Inês S Garcia, João Vieira, Zeev Zalevsky, Carlos Calaza, Filipe S Alves, Rosana A Dias. “High-Frequency GratingBased Microelectromechanical Systems Actuator.” Proceedings, 2024. • Binyamin Kusnetz, Jeremy Belhassen, Denis E Tranca, Stefan G Stanciu, StefanRazvan Anton, Zeev Zalevsky, George A Stanciu, Avi Karsenty. “Generic Arrays of Surface-Positioned and Shallow-Buried Gold Multi-Shapes as Reference Samples to Benchmark Near-Field Microscopes. Part 1: Applications in s-SNOM depth Imaging.” Results in Physics, 2024. • Ruihua Liu, Kai Wen, Jiaoyue Li, Ying Ma, Juanjuan Zheng, Sha An, Junwei Min, Zeev Zalevsky, Baoli Yao, Peng Gao. “MultiHarmonic Structured Illumination-Based Optical Diffraction Tomography.” Applied Optics, 2023. • Gal Shpun, Nairouz Farah, Yoav Chemla, Amos Markus, Tamar Azrad Leibovitch, Erel Lasnoy, Doron Gerber, Zeev Zalevsky, Yossi Mandel. “Optimizing the Fabrication of a 3D High-Resolution Implant for Neural Stimulation.” Journal of Biological Engineering, 2023. • Vasily N Astratov, Yair Ben Sahel, Yonina C Eldar, Luzhe Huang, Aydogan Ozcan, Nikolay Zheludev, Junxiang Zhao, Zachary Burns, Zhaowei Liu, Evgenii Narimanov, Neha Goswami, Gabriel Popescu, Emanuel Pfitzner, Philipp Kukura, Yi‐Teng Hsiao, Chia‐Lung Hsieh, Brian Abbey, Alberto Diaspro, Aymeric LeGratiet, Paolo Bianchini, Natan T Shaked, Bertrand Simon, Nicolas Verrier, Matthieu Debailleul, Olivier Haeberlé, Sheng Wang, Mengkun Liu, Yeran Bai, Ji‐ Xin Cheng, Behjat S Kariman, Katsumasa Fujita, Moshe Sinvani, Zeev Zalevsky, Xiangping Li, Guan‐Jie Huang, Shi‐Wei Chu, Omer Tzang, Dror Hershkovitz, Ori Cheshnovsky, Mikko J Huttunen, Stefan G Stanciu, Vera N Smolyaninova, Igor I Smolyaninov, Ulf Leonhardt, Sahar Sahebdivan, Zengbo Wang, Boris Luk'yanchuk, Limin Wu, Alexey V Maslov, Boya Jin, Constantin R Simovski, Stephane Perrin, Paul Montgomery, Sylvain Lecler. “Roadmap on Label‐Free Super‐ Resolution Imaging.” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023. • Zeev Zalevsky, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Laura Boucheron, Atanas Gotchev, Walter G Kropatsch, Alexander C Loui. “JEI Updates Research Topic Categories.” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2023. • Shimon Elkabetz, Oran Herman, Amihai Meiri, Asaf Shahmoon, Zeev Zalevsky. “Integration of High-Resolution Imaging through Scattering Medium into a Disposable Micro-Endoscope via Projection of 2D Spots-Array.” Scientific Reports, 2023. • Viktor Vorobev, David Weidmann, Sergey Agdarov, Yafim Beiderman, Nadav Shabairou, Matan Benyamin, Florian Klämpfl, Michael Schmidt, Dmitry Gorin, Zeev Zalevsky. “Full-Optical Photoacoustic Imaging using Speckle Analysis and Resolution Enhancement by Orthogonal Pump Patterns Projection.” Scientific Reports, 2023. • Jonathan Philosof, Yevgeny Beiderman, Sergey Agdarov, Yafim Beiderman, Zeev Zalevsky. “Optical Multimode FiberBased Pipe Leakage Sensor Using Speckle Pattern Analysis.” Sensors, 2023. • Abhijit Sanjeev, David Glukhov, Rinsa Salahudeen Rafeeka, Avi Karsenty, Zeev Zalevsky. “Near-field Projection Optical Microscope (NPOM) as a New Approach to Nanoscale Super-Resolved Imaging.” Scientific Reports, 2023. • Tal Raviv, Nadav Shabairou, Ariel Roitman, Abhijit Sanjeev, Vismay Trivedi, Moshe Sinvani, Zeev Zalevsky. “Optical Memory Based on Scattering from Gold Nanoparticles.” ACS Applied Optical Materials, 2023. • Xing Liu, Xiang Fang, Yunze Lei, Jiaoyue Li, Sha An, Juanjuan Zheng, Ying Ma, Haiyang Ma, Zeev Zalevsky, Peng Gao. “Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Structured Illumination Microscopy Based on Pixel Reassignment.” Applied Physics Letters, 2023. • Zeev Zalevsky, Shimon Elkabetz, Arkady Rudnitsky, Oran Herman, Amihai Meiri, Asaf Shahmoon. “S194–Imaging through Scattering Media by 3D Spatial Filtering Embedded into Micro-Endoscope.” Surgical Endoscopy, 2023. • Deep Pal, Amitesh Kumar, Nave Avraham, Yoram Eisenbach, Yevgeny Beiderman, Sergey Agdarov, Yafim Beiderman, Zeev Zalevsky. “Noninvasive Blood Glucose Sensing by Secondary Speckle Pattern Artificial Intelligence Analyses.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2023. • Itai Carmeli, Ibrahim Tanriover, Tirupathi Malavath, Chanoch Carmeli, Moshik Cohen, Yossi Abulafia, Olga Girshevitz, Shachar Richter, Koray Aydin, Zeev Zalevsky. “Metal Nanoparticle/ Photosystem I Protein Hybrids Coupled to Microantenna Afford Biologically and Electronically Controlled Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance: Implications for Fast Data Processing.” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023. • Manisha, Aditya Chandra Mandal, Mohit Rathor, Zeev Zalevsky, Rakesh Kumar Singh. “Randomness Assisted in-Line Holography with Deep Learning.” Scientific Reports, 2023. • Ofir Ben David, Yevgeny Beiderman, Sergey Agdarov, Yafim Beiderman, Zeev Zalevsky. “Remote Sensing of Human Skin Temperature by AI Speckle Pattern Analysis.” Optics Continuum, 2023. • Abhijit Sanjeev, Vismay Trivedi, Anna Sterkin, David Smadja, Zeev Zalevsky.